Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cool New Finds!

The Un Mom So many blogs, so little time!


Take A Mom's Word for It
In participating in a few blog tours with Mom Central, I have been fortunate to have met some other great Canadian mom bloggers. They're all so intelligent, they have fabulous giveaways on their blogs, and they're so funny! Not in the funny "weird" way, but the "Ha! Ha!" kind of funny!

I really think you should check them out! Oh, and while you're at it, check out Mom Nation too! That's another place where we hang out.



  1. Thanks for sharing the new Crumbs button! And for the MomNation mention. It's growing into a great network!

  2. you make me want to have a blog chris; but you know the slacker that i am so i'll just live thru yours! and is there any way you can rig contests so one of your best friends can win? [[[[[[[[[[[[[lol]]]]]]]]]]]]]

  3. Thanks for the shout out Chrissy!! I look forward to your reviews and giveaways! I've posted you button!


  4. Thanks for the shout out! You are so sweet! I wish I lived a little closer to the GTA so I could take advantage of that giveaway:)
